Sally Sparidaans

BHSc Nutritional Medicine

Sally Sparidaans

Tired of feeling tired?

Unable to think clearly through the brain fog?

Unsure how to gain your vitality back?

Experimenting with Dr Google and generic courses without long term results?

Are you experiencing...


Are you ready to find the root cause of your symptoms instead of masking them?

Welcome to Functional Nutrition

Together we work to restore your health and wellbeing with a targeted approach

Why am I fatigued?

If you have reached this section, you may relate to my experience. My interest in nutritional medicine developed into my career after a period of debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. I was just 17 years old and I remember the panic attacks would feel like my heart was going to pound out of my chest, I couldn’t quite see straight, my hands would feel clammy, they trembled, and my mind would race.

Fast forward to my mid 20's, I spent 9 months in a chronically fatigued state, and the next few years building myself up again. To be honest, my memory is not great from that period. I remember having conversations where I would completely forget what I was talking about mid-sentence. I couldn’t locate words. The effort of talking at times was just too much. Poor digestion, lethargy, low mood, unrefreshed sleep, exhaustion and feeling unwell with no known reason. I remember visiting numerous Doctors and Specialists trying to find answers until I eventually stopped searching, and instead looking at what I could do each day to improve.

Through consistently working on lifestyle and dietary modifications, I was able to gradually rebuild my health to a point that I was content with.

This experience became valuable years later while living with someone going through the same downhill spiral that appeared as a prolonged, unexplained fatigued state. Luckily, using functional testing, a cause was pinpointed, and a targeted treatment plan was developed.

Everyone's journey is unique and influenced by many aspects. If you are finding yourself feeling less than optimal, it's time to find out the underlying causes, and get your spark back.

Why am I fatigued?

What is Functional Testing and why is it used?

In conjunction with an in-depth case history and blood pathology, functional testing is used to investigate the root cause of symptoms. Functional testing is not always indicated; however may provide valuable insights that blood pathology alone cannot provide. These tests include collecting stool, saliva, and urine samples to analyse how your body is functioning; and identifies the body systems and processes that require additional support. This enables a targeted treatment plan including personalised nutritional interventions, supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments to restore the body to optimal function.

  • Complete microbiome mapping: A stool sample provides insight to your pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites as well as markers of inflammation and digestive health including digestive enzymes.
  • Organic acid test: A urine sample provides a comprehensive metabolic snapshot with over 70 markers including vitamin and mineral levels, indicators of dysbiosis, neurotransmitter metabolism and indicators of oxidative stress.
  • DUTCH 'Dried Urine Testing for Comprehensive Hormones': A full assessment of your hormones and their metabolism including cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA
  • DNA Testing: Discover your unique genetic profile to enable proactive solutions to optimising your health and wellness.

If you would like to find out more about functional testing, please book your complimentary health check call and we can discuss whether this may be appropriate for you.

With complex cases, where do we start?

Whether you are experiencing digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, joint pain, brain fog, anxiety, food intolerances, skin problems, fatigue or respiratory issues - The health of your gut is essential to all health conditions. If you think about the way we eat food, drink water and consume supplements as a way to improve our health, all of these enter our body via the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, this system needs to be functioning optimally in order for our overall health. Your gut has an ecology called the ‘microbiome’. When your microbiome is in balance, it will support you in the digestion of your food and produce nutrients to help your body function optimally. There is a bi-directional connection with your gut and brain, therefore we look into this relationship, and how it is functioning. With this in mind, the nervous system is essential to nuture and balance in this process.

Start your journey with the complimentary eBook 'Regain your Energy'

Free eBook to get started

5 strategies to regain your energy

Banana Yogurt Split

Apricot Coconut Energy Balls

Sweet Potato & Spinach Frittata

Sally is a qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner with a passion for restoring clients’ vitality. Her own experiences with chronic fatigue, burnout, anxiety and panic attacks, have enabled her to understand the importance of working with the person as a whole.

Sally understands the many areas that underlie health concerns, and she will take a client’s genetics, environment, lifestyle and nutritional habits into consideration when developing a personalised plan. Providing a space for clients, Sally acknowledges the impact the client’s health has on their quality of life. She uses functional tools and testing to gain a full picture of the client’s underlying causes for the symptoms being experienced. This enables a targeted approach to restoring the client’s vitality.

As someone who has been very active for their entire life including dancing, triathlon, running and Crossfit, Sally recognises the frustration when you are unable to live with the quality of life that you are accustomed to. Sally is committed to working with you, and collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, to assist you in reaching your goals.

Sally is an accredited G.E.M.M Protocol (Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation) Practitioner and understands the power that food and lifestyle can have on your health and well-being. Appointments may be claimed with selected health funds as a Nutritionist.

Can I claim with my health fund?
I am registered with health funds, however this will depend on your level of cover - It is best to contact your health fund directly for Nutrition cover.
What age groups do I work with?
There are no age limits. Nutritional requirements vary with age and stage, and therefore you need to be aware that what works for you now, may be different in the future!
Do you work with males and females?
Of course!
Is functional testing compulsory?
Testing is an amazing tool that we can use. It is always optional and not always required. While we gather a lot of information from an in-depth case history, including signs and symptoms, functional testing can really help to identify underlying issues and causes.
Am I the right Practitioner for you?
It is important that you find someone you are comfortable working with. My certifications include:
Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine - Excellence in Clinical Practice Award
Certificate in Comprehensive Diagnostics of blood results
Inside Out's 'Essential Clinicians Training in Eating Disorders'
Accredited G.E.M.M. Practitioner - Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation
Please reach out if you would like to have a chat and find out if I am right for you. If your goals or concerns fall outside my scope, I will offer a referral.
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